Box Hill South Dentists
Box Hill South Dental has been trusted to provide dental services to the local community for over 50 years.
Welcome to
Box Hill South Dental
Our caring, professional team are experienced in all aspects of general and cosmetic dentistry.
Whether you need dental care for the newest family member, a friendly general dentist, or highly skilled cosmetic dentistry, we can look after you.
Dental Care Services
Our Dentists in Box Hill provide a range of affordable and high quality general and cosmetic dental health treatments.
All health funds accepted

The perfect smile with straighter teeth is possible through comfortable and discreet Invisalign clear aligners.
The Invaslign clear aligners are made from virtually invisible plastic so no one will know you’re wearing aligners and unlike traditional braces, you can take them out for a break and a clean.
At Box Hill Dental Clinic, we are an official Invaslign certified practice and offer our patients the full invisalign experience.
- Crowded Teeth
- Open Bite
- Overbite
- Gaps

Proudly Member of
The dentists of Box Hill South Dental are members and proud supporters of the Australian Dental Association.
The Australian Dental Association is an organisation of dentists which has as its aim the encouragement of the health of the public and the promotion of the art and science of dentistry.
This membership implies an obligation for members to practise their profession in accordance with the high standards laid down by the Association.
To find out more, please visit the Australian Dental Association website .